Gonorrhea Test

Gonorrhea Test

If you have visited our website that makes us assume that you are scared of having infected with a Sexually Transmitted Disease? Humans are prone to make mistakes and we all do some time in our life, maybe intentionally or unintentionally. It was a party night and you met with a charming, attractive person of the opposite sex, you both couldn’t find excuses, got drunk and fall prey to the uncontrolled burning desire. You both were so excited that you went ahead, leaving precaution aside and throwing your boundaries far away. It happens.

Now, since the next morning, when you are in the conscious mode, you got scared of having a sexually transmitted infections. Nothing to worry. We are there to help you out in this. It cannot be claimed to have Sexually Transmitted Disease, until and unless it is thoroughly tested and the results are positive.

Gonorrhea Test is an FDA Approved Nucleic Acid Amplification (NAA) test that is conducted to confirm whether the person is infected with Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Bacteria. You can take this test as an individual test or can combined it with the panel test or Chlamydia test. The test results are available within 24 to 48 hours of examination and are Safest, Secured, Accurate and more over Private.

​We're the #1 Gonorrhea testing center in the United States with over 4000 STD testing clinics. So stop typing "Gonorrhea testing near me" in Google search box and book your Gonorrhea urine test with us and get tested same day.

Gonorrhea Testing Options & Which One Should You Choose?

We have several tests available for the test, but in the case of STD, wherein it can be life threatening at times, it is always recommended to go about the best and reliable medical test practices. There can be “n” number of tests available, recommended for the online sites, but we have to be genuinely assured before taking the right move.

Two tests are available for Gonorrhea testing the first and foremost if the NAAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests) and the Gonorrhea Culture Test.

Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAAT)​

Doctors who are constantly researching on the subject of Sexually Transmitted Disease and also the panel of doctors recommending such tests have always and highly recommended Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAAT). The NAATs are very accurate and is done by taking the urine sample or the fluid from the infected part. It is considered to be the most genuine mode of Gonorrhea Testing.

Gonorrhea Culture

Gonorrhea Culture is done to locate the bacteria that caused the infection. It is a test wherein the body fluid is taken from the sensitive parts (infected) of the human body and is added to a substance to confirm whether the growth increases or is stable. The positive and negative result depends on the same. The same can be cured by taking further medication as prescribed by the Medical Practitioner.

Where to Get Tested For Gonorrhea?

We are honored to have Over 4000 listed Centres across the United States that serves the Gonorrhea Testing. For over many successful years, the testing of Gonorrhea is an important factor of Medical Testing. Our centers offer a wide range of state of the art world class in patient’s facilities to make them feel at home as the patient care facilities are the most important factor to our success.

We have the centers fitted with most improvise and upgraded technologies that we don’t even let off any minute details of our in patients and a simple lapse can cost a human life. We are very careful and extremely sensitive while performing testing operations and have a triple layer of the check before publishing the final report.

Anyone can reach up to our website and book a test. The process initiation will be activated on the same day and will start with the call to inform the patients all the prerequisites needed before the test.

Just a click away and we will be at your doorstep. There are various plans available for all the segments of people so that unnecessary burden of hefty prices is not imposed.

How to Order a Gonorrhea Test?

With the technological innovations, the booking for a test is very easy and less time-consuming. There is simple three step process for ordering a Test.

Click on the stdcheck.com and select the test required. Simultaneously, you can also, call us at 1-800-456-2323 and book for an appointment. You have an ease of choosing the nearest center for the Test by providing an Area Pin Code.

After booking, just visit the test center with the confirmation SMS or code. You do not have to wait for any further process.

After the test is over, sit back and relax. The report will be made available to your online account within a span of 24 to 48 hours. In the case of any queries, we have our dedicated customer service staffs to answer all your doubts. Additionally, we have a panel of doctors for phone consultation, in the case of reports that are positive.

All in all, we are always available for your service. These services are very much safe, secured and in confidential mode due to the nature of the infection or disease.

When is the Right Time to Get Tested For Gonorrhea?

We do not have any specific time frame for testing the Sexually Transmitted Disease. It is highly recommended that if you had an unprotected sex (oral, vaginal or anal sex) and are worried about an STD, you should not waste time and immediately get tested within a 2nd day to 30th day after the activity was performed.

It is always recommended that even if you have a slight doubt, it’s always better to have tested and relax. If it is positive and is unexpected, it is better to start the needed treatment at the earliest.

It is highly recommended, that you should avoid any kind of sexual intercourse after you have undergone testing of Gonorrhea or any kind of STD. These are the diseases or infection that does not leave external symptoms to be aware of people infected.

Also, it is highly recommended that those who are not in a monogamous relationship should get tested on a regular basis. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) highly recommend that Men who have sex with the same gender and are not in should be tested for HIV, Chlamydia & Gonorrhea. Pregnant women are recommended for Chlamydia& Syphilis at their first Prenatal Visit to the medical practitioner. The doctor can recommend undergoing Gonorrhea once the pregnancy is confirmed.

How to Prepare for the Test?

Nothing a big prerequisite needed before the testing. You are not bound by any restriction. You are free to eat and drink anything of your choice that you like too. No need to fast as well. Only with a special note that if you are on antibiotics, you need to hold it for a week before the tests are to be performed for Gonorrhea. Rest all other STD does not require any special kind of restriction. In the case of NAAT, it is recommended that you should not urinate prior 2 Hours of the urine sample is collected. From women, it is needed that there should not be any use of virginal cream or douche for at least 24 hours before the sample is collected.

Mentally you have to be prepared with some of your obvious queries about the symptoms or incompatibilities you feel the current medications you are taking, etc. Along with this, you should be prepared to ask the doctor, in the case of a positive report, what as the next steps needed and ask the doctor to be as transparent as you want to be. To be as positive, you are also expected, to be honest in disclosing all the information as needed to generate treatment.

How is the Test Done?

Tests are conducted on two operative modes. Both are very much parallel recommended for testing of gonorrhea and is very much safe and secure and in practice.

1. Direct Smear

In a process of Direct Smear, a sample of body fluid is taken from the area where the infection is suspected. Sensitive areas like urethra, the cervix, the rectum, or the eyes are considered to be the infected zones.

  • For a sample from the cervix, you are recommended to take off the clothes below your waist and cover the area with a roll of paper or cloth. Then you have to lie on your back on the examination table along with your feet raised and supported by stirrups. This helps in clearly examine your vagina and genital area. A special tool with curved sides will be inserted into your vagina. Further to which, the speculum would gently spread on the vaginal walls so as the inside of the vagina and the cervix can be examined clearly. Further with the help of a small brush, the samples are collected from the cervix area.
  • In the case of Urethra or Rectum, a swab will be inserted into the opening of your urethra or rectum.
  • In the case of your eye, the practitioner will gently brush the insides of your lower and upper eyelids with a swab.

2. Urine Test

If you are planning to have the test done by the urination procedure, it is recommended that you should not urinate 2 Hours prior to the test and do not wipe the genital area clean before you urinate.

You have to collect the first part of your urine stream, just as you begin to urinate. There is the availability of home test kits which you can use to collect a swab or urine sample and bring it down to the center for testing.

What is Gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease/infection is commonly caused by the bacteria named Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. This illness falls under the category that is curable sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is very much necessary that the infection needs to be identified at the early stage so that the proper treatment can be planned and initiated. It can be treated with the use of a proper dose of antibiotics. It is expected to cause sterility disease in men and pelvic inflammatory disease in women if it spreads across the body and is not treated on time. The symptoms are not very much visible and are low on identification.

Gonorrhea primarily affects the genital tract, mouth, and rectum area. Women are more at risk as the Cervix is the initial place of infection further reaching it to the womb. These can result in the problems that can result in bad pregnancy. The health can drastically fall and prone to sickness and not to mention, but fatal at times. The primary source of Gonorrhea is sexual intercourse through vaginal, oral and anal. Persons engaging in anal sex can infect their rectum. Women who do not have anal sex can cause Gonorrhea and infect their rectum. Usually, the bacteria reaches rectum through the vagina.

Babies can get infected through Gonorrhea in the case of pregnant women. Babies infect their eyes. Antibiotic drops are placed in infants' eyes after birth to prevent this infection. In an infant, Gonorrhea causes infection in heart, lungs, and joints. Gonorrhea contracted during pregnancies can become fatal at times and is a serious concern since it can further cause problems such as heart ailment, head infections leading to migraines and even HIV or Hepatitis.

As the statistics show that there are around 900000 cases of gonorrhea present in the United States in the year 2015, which in turn fetch around USD $1.5 Billion for the cases to get cured. Pelvic Diseases catch nearly a half and more million women every year and are chronic. There is steep rise in percentages of chronic gonorrhea from 12 to 13% in the year 2000. Teenage are the highest infected due to the lifestyle changes over the year.

Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men & Women

The symptoms, as earlier said, are non-visible in most of the cases. Hence, the risk of spreading is high as the infected person never knows whether he/she is contracted with this disease. The testing should ideally be done within 2 to 30 days of the unprotected sex.

Symptoms in Men

  • Burning sensation during passing of Urine
  • Unusual discharges from the Penis after/during urination
  • Uncontrolled pain in the testicles
  • Tiredness as in most of the cases
  • Allergic to substances that are of daily usage
  • Sore throat (In case of Oral Sex)

Symptoms in Women

  • Burning sensation during passing of Urine
  • Unusual discharges from the Penis after/during urination
  • Sudden Bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Excess against normal bleeding during menstruation
  • Pain in lower abdomen

Symptoms of Infection in Rectum

  • Excessive pain in the joints
  • Itching across body and rashes
  • Excessive Bleeding from rectum

Frequently Asked Questions

What not to do when you have Gonorrhea

The first and the foremost thing are to AVOID SEX… Do not indulge in any sexual activity if you are scared of getting positive test result for the Gonorrhea. Better be late, than never. As you have lapsed on having a safer sex, it is better to be careful when it comes to posting treatment.

In the case of positive result, avoid sexual intercourse for next 7 days after the start of the treatment. If Gonorrhea infection is suspected, don't have intercourse until the test results have come back. Your sex partner must also undergo the testing procedure to make sure that the passing of the infection should not be allowed.

Also, it is recommended that those who have been diagnosed with Gonorrhea should make sure that whosoever they had a sexual encounter within the last 60 days should undergo testing on a safer side.

Recommendations suggest that if you are on antibodies, NAAT i.e. the Nucleic Acid Amplification Test to be conducted. Also, in the US, it is mandatory to report Gonorrhea cases to the State Health Department on regular basis.

How is Gonorrhea Treated?

It is accurate to say that Gonorrhea can be cured with the right on time treatment using dual therapy, or in other words, using two drugs. A single dose of 250mg of Intramuscular Ceftriaxone & 1g of Oral Azithromycin. It is highly recommended to take as per the prescribed dosage as suggested by the medical practitioner. The treatment should be kept confidential due to the nature of the illness. The permanent damage caused by the bacteria is not repairable and the dosages will heal the further growth of infection.

Successful treatment of Antimicrobial resistance is becoming tough to operate and if the person is not feeling any positive sign of improvement, he/she is recommended to visit the medical practitioner immediately for re-examination.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection that can be treated if identified at the early stage. Ongoing researches are made with respect to use of a vaginal lotion or ointment to prevent infection. It is time-consuming to get the ointment over the marketplace. In the meantime, the best way to curb infection is through prevention in sexual practices through abstinence. It is always recommended to have safe sex. If the treatment is started at an early stage, it is more the better, else the dire consequence can result into more chances of the infected person contradicted with HIV or Syphilis.

What happens if Gonorrhea left untreated?

If you take it lightly, it’s you who will suffer and can be the biggest reason for causing it for others as well. Always it is recommended to go for the treatment and save your’s as well as other’s lives. Untreated infection of gonorrhea can cause serious and permanent health ailments in both the gender.

Women can fall prey to PID which is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, a serious case considered as per the State Health Department in the US. This can result in further complication such as the formation of scar tissue that blocks fallopian tubes, Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb), Infertility and prolonged abdominal pain.

Men, on the other hand, can cause uncontrollable pain condition in the tubes attached to the testicles which can further result in man being sterile or restrict him from being able to father a child. Untreated Gonorrhea can also spread to the whole body resulting in joint pains viz. Arthritis finally resulting to fatal and life threatening at times.

The foremost is untreated Gonorrhea can result into chances of attracting HIV, which is death at last.

How Gonorrhea affect an unborn baby during Pregnancy?

The rates of miscarriage are synonymous to women infected with Gonorrhea. PID increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy which in turn increases the fetus implants in the Fallopian tube rather than in the uterus. As the tube is too small to support a fetus, rupture and excess bleeding can result in pregnancy.

Infants born to women with infected gonorrhea are more likely to deliver prematurely. Premature deliveries are related to early rupture of membranes i.e. the protect cover that surrounds the infant in the womb and helps protects the infant from infection.

As the infected vagina is present, the babies delivered through the vaginal tract can acquire gonorrhea from secretions in the vaginal tract. Early signs of infection appear several days after delivery and primarily include skin infections, infection at eyes, urethra, vagina and inflammation of the conjunctiva. To prevent these, antibiotic eye ointments given after birth to prevent transmission of the infection to the eyes. If not treated on time, can result in blindness in infants. Sometimes, the infection at the covering of the brain can result if the disease spreads.